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This site was created to share with you my professional activity, and somehow create a connection with possible opportunities that may arise.
All are welcome and I hope you enjoy it.


Nicargua's Flag

Farm meeting with Nicaraguan producers

  • From April 2011 we started an ambitious project, where I convened for direct seeding technology to Nicaragua.
  • This project is important since the potential of Central America in the future of food is enormous, and everything is to be done.
  • In Nicaragua, agriculture is practiced based on monoculture and rice stubble burning, with 2 crops per year in vertisols with more than 65% clay.
  • In the East, to sandy loam is done in conventional peanut monoculture.
  • With this premise Agricorp Company, a leader in the food industry in Nicaragua, and deeply involved in new agricultural techniques and the development of Sustainable Agriculture, is developing a program, which we call Sustainable Soy, where the intention is interspersed with rice cultivation in rotation, and try to gradually replace the peanut crop.
  • This program was developed with the direct seeding system imported from Argentina.
  • Also, in this context, mount a technical training program Nicaraguans in Argentina, as well as a calendar of courses for Nicaraguan producers dictated by specific expertise in specific issues (rice-soybean rotation, machinery, pest and weed control, etc. .).
  • Always in this direction we will make efforts to transfer technology, both as genetic machinery in order to develop a sustainable farming system.
  • Are also making arrangements with the NGO Solidarity, Dutch, which is involved in a certification program for sustainable soya, which is based on the platform of RTRS, which is focused on export markets under responsible certification schemes, ie weproduce soybeans for the most demanding markets, and thus able to negotiate some kind of improved selling prices.
  • In this project we are engaged and hopefully in the next 5 years, in the same way we did in South Africa, Nicaragua, a country with enormous agricultural potential, will move definitively towards a sustainable agriculture.

Amilcar Ibarra, Agricorp's President

Consultations piosilveyra@gmail.com